About Katherine Simdon
Hailing from the picturesque town of Cambridge, Wisconsin, Katherine Simdon is a mixed media artist whose creative journey began at the renowned Rocky Mountain School of Photography. In 2013, her creative journey began, marking the inception of her unique artistic voice. With an innate talent for transforming materials and spaces, she constantly challenges artistic conventions, redefining the boundaries of mixed media expression and traditional matting.
In 2021, Katherine opened Overt Space Gallery + Gift in Stoughton, Wisconsin, a vibrant space that serves as a sanctuary for artists and art lovers alike. As an artist, curator, and educator, Katherine tirelessly creates, curates, and sells art alongside other talented individuals. She also shares her expertise through classes on composition and color in abstraction, nurturing the artistic growth of her students.
Katherine Simdon's artistry pushines artistic boundaries and embraces the limitless possibilities of mixed media in a subtle way. Her work invites viewers into a world where colors dance, shapes breathe, and emotions come alive, leaving the viewer with a sense of belonging.